
If you have any queries on how to use our site, order from us, start an account and track the progress of your order, email us at If you already have an account, you can click here to send a message to our customer service team, using our contact form.

Due to high volumes over the holiday period, please expect a longer wait time for responses from our customer service team. We are doing our best to get back to all enquires as soon as possible.


We are always looking for ways to improve and would love to hear your opinions. Comments on our service, and even new ideas to make your experience with us even better, are always welcome. You can let us know what you think by emailing our Customer Service Team via your account.


If you would like to discuss working in partnership with11 Degrees, please contact us on if you’d like to stock our products.

Customer Service:

Our Customer Service Team are available 9 am to 5 pm GMT, Monday to Friday.